13th International
Centropa Summer Academy
20th Century history, the Holocaust and Civil Society in The Global Classroom
International workshop for 70 educators from the USA, Israel and Europe
July 8–15, 2019
Berlin, Germany
An Event Not to be missed!
Our participants had the unique opportunity to spend 7 intensive days in the heart of Berlin, where they added to their knowledge base on 20th century history, Holocaust and civil society, developed and sharpened their tech skills, and formed partnerships with 70 other teachers from 15 countries.
Would you like to have a virtual CSA2019 experience? – Have a look at the presentations, lesson plans and videos created during the CSA.
What teachers are saying about the CSA
Meet our speakers

Luisa Beck
Reporter covering Europe from The Washington Post's Berlin bureau

Guy Chazan
Berlin Bureau Chief, Financial Times

Dr. Marta Ansilewska
Curator, Silent Heroes Memorial Center

Kate Brady
Political Correspondent, Deutsche Welle

Mischa Gabowitsch
Researcher, Einstein Forum in Potsdam

Thomas Greven
Political Scientist, Freie Universität Berlin

Dr. Carmen Smiatacz
Project Manager “Geschichtomat”, Institut für die Geschichte der deutschen Juden in Hamburg

Stephan Lehnstaedt
Professor for Holocaust Studies, Touro College Berlin
Contact Us
+43 1 4090 971